Sunday, December 09, 2007
Warning: this article is not for the faint of heart. We must face the coming reality head-on or we will reap the dreadful consequences of our inaction. This is our future world unless we rise up now and push back!
In a letter from a friend:
"As you know I spoke in Ireland. It had to do with the end.
As you may not know, two years ago I met with a high-ranking Illuminati programmer from Germany who had come to Christ. She was actually a 'programmer's programmer'. I received the blue print for their plans for the end-times. I see this unfolding everyday.
The deeper workings of the Illuminati are not 'physical' but spiritual. Their whole power is spiritual. The people they use are used by unseen 'spiritual' powers. We are talking mind-controlled, demonically controlled individuals. People who have had their souls/spirits fractured deliberately through use of occult mind control programming. These individuals are programed to carry out specific and deliberate assignments. Empowered by specific demons.
My lecture was on what is happening in the 'church' and what is happening in America and the world. There are 'strange' things happening in the 'church'. And the more 'charismatic' it is the more 'signs and wonders' but it is not limited to charismatic churches. Those churches that don't practice the gifts of the spirit are being infiltrated in other more subtle ways.(Referring to the Illuminati program)
Things are happening quickly now, and will step up even quicker as the time approaches.
First, financial crash (immense - we are approaching this very quickly) - the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, etc. all have strong family ties to the Illuminati. They will begin 'pulling the plug' on the finances affecting the entire world. Then, there will be rioting, looting, etc. which will give the impetus for stage II: FEMA calling in Martial Law." (Frank did not give me a specific timeline. Steve)
From another source comes confirmation that a Fascist blueprint is being followed which Bush is currently implementing in America.
"Mussolini created the blueprint, Hitler followed suit, Stalin studied Hitler and it all leads to Bush."(Adam Howard)
Naomi Wolf tells us in her newest book End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2007) that dictators throughout modern history have followed a 10 step blueprint in establishing a Fascist dictatorship (Fascist Shift). I have listed the 10 step blueprint below:
Step.1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy which may be real and hype it or use the threat manipulatively. Re: Bush and 9/11 to justify the war on terror.
This brings to mind the term "homeland" which Bush lifted right out of the communist history books. Goebbels used "spontaneous" gatherings of students burning books as an internal threat in Germany. Hitler used communists as an external threat. Creating and hyping the threat involved embedding journalists with German troops when they invaded Poland. Bush used the same methods of embedding journalists during the invasion of Iraq. Embedded journalists are under the direct eye of the military which controls what news is reported and more importantly what is omitted.
Do you see pictures of caskets draped in American flags entering this country from Iraq?
Step 2. Create a gulag.
Create secret prisons where torture takes place outside the rule of law. Lenin originated and setup a military tribunal system as Bush has just implemented. (Military Commissions Act of 2006).
In a Fascist shift which is now occurring in America legalized torture of minorities such as Jose Padilla, will lead to imprisonment of labor leaders, journalists such as Greg Palast Armed Madhouse, From Baghdad to New Orleans- Sordid Secrets & Strange Tales of a White House GONE WILD, academia- anyone who is a threat to implementation of a Fascist dictatorship.
Bush can now call ANYONE an enemy combatant. If Bush fingers you as an enemy combatant you can be placed in solitary confinement for three years without a trial.
This is one of many critical tipping points on the road to total fascism.
Step 3. Create a paramilitary force.
In Germany it was the "Brown Shirts". In Italy it was the "Black Shirts". In America it is Blackwater. In Italy citizens were forced to drink gross liquids at gunpoint. In American airports nursing mothers were forced to drink their own breast milk.
Blackwater was recently shielded from investigation for the murder of 17 Iraqi civilians by the Bush administration. Blackwater was hired to patrol the streets of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.
This step also involves federalizing the National Guard; removing control from the state governors to federal officials and agencies. For instance in a natural disaster or insurrection the national guard can be relocated to any state which federal officials deem appropriate over the objections of state governors.
Step 4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
Create a surveillance apparatus internally. Heard any new calls for surveillance cameras in your city?
America is driven by the profit motive. After the Berlin Wall fell defense contractors faced severe declines in profits as the cold war enemy dissolved. To reduce the severe decline in profits from loss of government contracts a new enemy had to be invented. The enemy is us.
We cannot be trusted because sleeper cells exist in our midst. They must be rooted out to protect the population. Therefore increased surveillance is justified which drives the new surveillance technologies and company profits.
Step 5. Infiltrate and harass citizens' groups.
This includes not only intimidating protesters with unreasonable force (taser murders: over 300 and counting) but also closing borders to travel outside the country for people on the "No Fly List". Today if you board a plane, the government knows what you read, who you sit next to, and the phone # of the person you will meet.
This also includes restricting freedom of speech by coercion through denial of certain government benefits.
Step 6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
Step 7. Target key individuals.
Dan Rather, CBS news who was ousted due to pressure on Viacom the parent company by the White House.
Step 8. Control and restrict the press.
In 1937 the publisher of the Russian newspaper Isvestia was convicted of treason and murdered in a show trial.
Greg Palast was arrested by Homeland Security for taking pictures of a Hurricane Katrina relocation camp(FEMA temporary housing). Staffers for Associated Press and CBS have been held and detained in Iraq.
Step 9. Dissent equals treason
There is progressive criminalization of free speech. The editorial drumbeat of words used to describe treason such as espionage, sabotage, terrorist, traitor are increasingly used to describe opinions that differ from government propaganda.
Step 10. Suspend the rule of law
The final tipping point.
I urge you without delay to view the video clip of Naomi explaining the the 10 step blueprint.
If the blueprint pattern holds look for the promotion of violence leading to a crackdown about one month before the 2008 election.
In closed societies, elections are held, newspapers are circulated, courts of law operate, but the system is corrupt, the rule of law ignored, and dissenting opinions are not tolerated.
America's sins have piled up to heaven. God's judgement can't be far off. We have given the world pornography (internet) and corporate corruption on a grand scale. Many U.S. senators and representatives belong to homosexual and pedophile groups. God will judge this generation because of it by taking away our freedoms.
Can the tribulation be far behind?
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes.
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