
Thursday, December 28, 2006


To conquer a nation, destroy the value of its people.

-The Art Of Culture War, O'Reilly Tzu

There is a divide between what Bill O'Reilly calls the secular progressives responsible for taking God out of the public square etc. and the traditional American of Judeo-Christian background.

Bill sums it up rather succinctly:
Here's the basic divide: While most traditional Americans subscribe to the scriptural ten commandments brought down by Moses, the S-Ps (secular progressives) have developed their own Ten Commandments. These edicts, as listed below, would have sent the Prophet screaming into the desert. Forget the golden calf; the S-P doctrine makes worshiping false idols look like midnight mass. Here follow the new secular-progressive commandments [which are destroying our culture, Steve], handed down at Hollywood and Vine sometime in the late 1960s:

* Thou Shalt Not Make Any Judgment Regarding Most Private Personal Behavior. Man/Woman is the Master/Mistress of the Universe and His/Her Gratification Is Paramount.

* Thou Shalt Not Worship or Acknowledge God in the Public Square, for Such an Exposition Could Be Offensive to Humankind.

* Thou shalt Take from the Rich and Give to the Poor. No Private Property is Sacrosanct. [Recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of Eminent Domain].

* Thou Shalt Circumvent Mother and Father in Personal Issues Such as Abortion and Sex Education in Public Schools.

* Thou Shalt Kill if necessary to Promote Individual Rights in Cases of Abortion and Euthanasia.

* Thou Shalt Be Allowed to Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor if That Person Stands Against Secular Humanism.

* Thou Shalt Not Wage Preemptive War in Any Circumstance.

* Thou Shalt Not Impede the Free Movement of Any Human Being on Earth. All Countries Should Be Welcoming Places Without Borders.

* Thou Shalt Not Prohibit Narcotics or Impede Personal Gratification in This Area.

* Thou Shalt Not Limit the Power of Government in Order to Provide "Prosperity" for all.(1)

Let's just take a hard look at one of the S-Ps ten commandments and explore their point a little further. We shall take a look at Commandment #3. Thou Shalt Take from the Rich and give to the Poor.

On January 4, 2006 columnist Harris Green wrote in the far-left Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
"Whatever the rich receive, it is not not entirely due to their own talent and effort, as many would have us believe. They owe their parents. They owe the teachers and counselors and clergy who taught them and civilized them. They owe farmers and truckers and grocery store workers who put food on their tables, and the firefighters and police officers and emergency medical technicians who protected them from harm and further harm. The list of people they owe is endless. Therefore, whatever success they achieve in life is due mostly to the talents and efforts of a legion of people."(2)

Pure baloney! To see this philosophy in action just visit a communist country and ask yourself where you would rather live.

This is standard-issue communist thought. The rich (affluent) owe everybody else, and therefore the government has a right to take assets from the rich (affluent) to pay the debt. The S-P movement will vehemently deny any sympathy with communist doctrine, but that is as big a lie as telling a successful person that the guy who sold him breakfast deserves part of his income that day.(3)

This secular-progressive belief in income redistribution and government seizure of private property [eminent domain] is one of the primary points Karl Marx stressed in his Communist Manifesto.

The communists will not destroy us militarily but will defeat us culturally through secular-progressive philosophy based on communist doctrine. In the end we will become more secular and socialist like the old Soviet Union and they will become more "enlightened" economically and politically until the two great superpowers are merged into a 10 kingdom world trading block. (See Club of Rome Report entitled: Marginalized and Adaptive Model of the World Global System written by Club of Rome members Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel released to Club members on September 17, 1973.(4)


This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes. ourfutureworld.blogspot.com


(1) Bill O'Reilly, Culture Warrior, (New York: Broadway Books, The Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group, 2006) pp, 69-70.
(2) Ibid. p.33.
(3) Ibid.
(4) Gary Kah, En Route To Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992) p. 40.

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