
Tuesday, March 07, 2006


This article(above link) indicates that the Bush administration is planning to incarcerate hundreds of thousands, even perhaps millions of Americans or immigrants for the following reason:(Emphasis mine)
But recent developments suggest that the Bush administration may already be contemplating what to do with Americans who are deemed insufficiently loyal or who disseminate information that may be considered helpful to the enemy. Top U.S. officials have cited the need to challenge news that undercuts Bush's actions as a key front in defeating the terrorists, who are aided by "news informers," in the words of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

.. but Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration's domestic operations -- Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize and collaborate with the enemy.

It would appear that the term "disloyal American" can be any person who criticizes the Bush administration and it now appears that Bush's concept of terrorist "affiliate" covers anyone who presents facts that undermine Bush's "information warfare" goals. Former Vice President Al Gore who addressed the issue of presidential power in a largely ignored speech on Jan. 16, the holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr. had this to say:

An executive who arrogates to himself the power to ignore the legitimate legislative directives of the Congress or to act free of the check of the judiciary becomes the central threat that the Founders sought to nullify in the Constitution - an all-powerful executive too reminiscent of the King from whom they had broken free. In the words of James Madison, "the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

From consortium news we read:(Emphasis mine)
the facts of this historic power grab[by Bush] are no longer in serious dispute. But what makes Bush's assertion of authority uniquely dangerous in U.S. history is that his claim of "plenary" or "unlimited powers" as the Commander in Chief are not made in the short-term context of a national crisis or a war with a definable end.

Rather these presidential powers have been asserted during what administration officials are calling the Long War against terrorism, a conflict that could well last for decades and quite possibly forever. Instead of the Long War, it could really become the Endless War.

In other words, the American system of government as the world has known it for two-plus centuries with its "unalienable rights" and its "checks and balances" has effectively come to an end.


From Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs' we read:(Emphasis mine)

...there was that curious development in January when the Army Corps of Engineers awarded Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root a $385 million contract to construct detention centers somewhere in the United States, to deal with "an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs," KBR said.

Later, the New York Times reported that "KBR would build the centers for the Homeland Security Department for an unexpected influx of immigrants, to house people in the event of a natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space."

From Peter Dale Scott who is the author of "Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003) we learn:

Scott speculated that the " detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law." He recalled that during the Reagan administration, National Security Council aide Oliver North organized Rex-84 "readiness exercise," which contemplated the Federal Emergency Management Agency rounding up and detaining 400,000 "refugees," in the event of "uncontrolled population movements" over the Mexican border into the United States.

What is Bush and company planning for? Again from from Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs':(Emphasis mine)

Less attention centered on the phrase "rapid development of new programs" and what kind of programs would require a major expansion of detention centers, each capable of holding 5,000 people. Jamie Zuieback, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, declined to elaborate on what these "new programs" might be.

There also was another little-noticed item posted at the U.S. Army website, about the Pentagon's Civilian Inmate Labor Program. This program "provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations."

The Army document, first drafted in 1997, underwent a "rapid action revision" on Jan. 14, 2005 (see SUMMARY Of CHANGE, page 2 of the linked document). The revision provides a "template for developing agreements" between the Army and corrections facilities for the use of civilian inmate labor on Army installations.

Though the timing of the document's posting -- within the past few weeks -- may just be a coincidence, the reference to a "rapid action revision" and the KBR contract's contemplation of "rapid development of new programs" has raised eyebrows about why this sudden need for urgency.

These developments also are drawing more attention now because of earlier Bush administration policies to involve the Pentagon in "counter-terrorism" operations inside the United States.

Again from Peter Dale Scott we learn:(Emphasis mine)
Plans for detention facilities or camps have a long history, going back to fears in the 1970s of a national uprising by black militants. As Alonzo Chardy reported in the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987, an executive order for continuity of government (COG) had been drafted in 1982 by FEMA head Louis Giuffrida. The order called for "suspension of the Constitution" and "declaration of martial law." The martial law portions of the plan were outlined in a memo by Giuffrida's deputy, John Brinkerhoff.

In 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 188, one of a series of directives that authorized continued planning for COG by a private parallel government.

Two books, James Mann's "Rise of the Vulcans" and James Bamford's "A Pretext for War," have revealed that in the 1980s this parallel structure, operating outside normal government channels, included the then-head of G. D. Searle and Co., Donald Rumsfeld, and then-Congressman from Wyoming Dick Cheney.

After 9/11, new martial law plans began to surface similar to those of FEMA in the 1980s. In January 2002 the Pentagon submitted a proposal for deploying troops on American streets. One month later John Brinkerhoff, the author of the 1982 FEMA memo, published an article arguing for the legality of using U.S. troops for purposes of domestic security.

Then in April 2002, Defense Dept. officials implemented a plan for domestic U.S. military operations by creating a new U.S. Northern Command (CINC-NORTHCOM) for the continental United States. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called this "the most sweeping set of changes since the unified command system was set up in 1946."

The NORTHCOM commander, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced, is responsible for "homeland defense and also serves as head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).... He will command U.S. forces that operate within the United States in support of civil authorities. The command will provide civil support not only in response to attacks, but for natural disasters."

John Brinkerhoff later commented on PBS that, "The United States itself is now for the first time since the War of 1812 a theater of war. That means that we should apply, in my view, the same kind of command structure in the United States that we apply in other theaters of war."

Then in response to Hurricane Katrina in Sept. 2005, according to the Washington Post, White House senior adviser Karl Rove told the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, that she should explore legal options to impose martial law "or as close as we can get." The White House tried vigorously, but ultimately failed, to compel Gov. Blanco to yield control of the state National Guard.

Also in September, NORTHCOM conducted its highly classified Granite Shadow exercise in Washington. As William Arkin reported in the Washington Post, "Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military's extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control."

Many critics have alleged that FEMA's spectacular failure to respond to Katrina followed from a deliberate White House policy: of paring back FEMA, and instead strengthening the military for responses to disasters.

A multimillion program for detention facilities will greatly increase NORTHCOM's ability to respond to any domestic disorders.

Friends, welcome to the New World Order where 9/11 and the "war on terror" are meant to take away your freedom and dissolve that "worthless piece of paper"(according to G.B.) the U.S. constitution; to be replaced by a dictator and martial law in stages so that the sheep (you and I) are unaware of what is happening.

I am reminded by the articles which I have linked to what Al Cuppett (Code name "Mr. Sea") stated several years ago regarding New World Order plans for the U.S. and its citizens.(1) His prediction seems to be coming true.

In the spring of 1997, Senior Editor, Professor Ian Stewart, met with "Mr. Sea" (real name Al Cuppett) to discuss what he has learned first-hand about the coming persecution at the hands of the New World Order operatives. With a seven-inch thick portfolio filled with photographs, news articles, correspondence, etc., Mr. Sea revealed disturbing information about New World Order efforts to destroy and enslave America. The following are some of Mr. Sea's comments. But first, let's take a look at the man who made the comments.

Mr. Sea, a committed Christian, is a former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense, with 31 years of federal service in the military, nine with the Department of Defense, including two years with the Air Staff. He is a holder of the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, three awards of the Joint Service Medal, all of the Vietnamese awards, as well as the Joint Meritorious Unit Medal.

When he retired a few years ago, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Medal. He's been around the world, to 31 countries on four continents, and speaks five languages. Mr. Sea spoke of the coming American Holocaust of the Government's plans for dealing with the non-New World Orderites.

He spoke of the infrastructure that has already been set up to incarcerate and execute Americans, and the locations of the facilities that will be used for these purposes, all with photographs, leaving little to the imagination.

"The infrastructure is set up. There are at least 130 concentration camps, quietly modified facilities which have sprung up and continue to spring up across the country, seemingly devoid of activity, yet requiring strange accoutrements such as barbed wire-topped fencing (with the tops turned inward) and helicopter wind socks. Most have good logistical supportability, with major highways and railroad transport facilities adjacent to the sites. (Note-Continuing research seems to indicate that such camps now number into the hundreds. See www.GulagAmerika.homestead.com.-PS)[link has been removed, Steve]

Next, Mr. Sea elaborated on the two categories the RED and BLUE Lists, and what they mean: "The RED List is for pick-up and execution before unobtrusive preparations for martial law are initiated. The BLUE List is also for execution, but at a later date (within six weeks of martial law declaration.) There are no 're-education' plans for either category, just execution. When you get picked up on a RED pick-up, they'll take you from your home at night (probably around 4 a.m.) and put you in a black van, then drive you to a helicopter waiting to fly you to an intermediate point. There, you'll be loaded onto a big 64-passenger CH-47 Chinook helicopter all black, unmarked and illegally operating under the Treaty on Open Skies. Then they'll fly you to one of 38 cities where you'll board a 747, 737, or 727."

"You may be taken straight to a temporary detention facility. When you're RED listed, you'll be taken to a red camp. Then you'll be executed." "At some point, martial law will be declared. (Martial law is when the writ of Habeas Corpus 'to have a trial by jury' is suspended. Instead, of going to the judge, you go straight to jail for a limited time,) I suspect there will be a major outage, or some other crisis which will be the reason to declare martial law. At this point, the BLUE listed people will be picked up. At that time, the country will be regionalized into ten regions, which are already designated by FEMA. Be advised that it has been proven (in Wyoming and at least one other location) that the black choppers have state-of-the-art radio (RF) frequency wideband jammers, and can jam cell phones and CBs while they're executing black operations missions (i.e., in your area). This means that your cell phone could be jammed just before and/or during any action against you."

"In June of 1996, an FBI agent got hold of the Region Three BLUE List (from a CIA agent), and found his own name on it, and those of several others he knew in Virginia. The Regional BLUE List stated that the names on the BLUE List would be picked up 'within six weeks of the actual martial law declaration.' This parallels the Nazi RED/BLUE List policy almost to the letter. The parallel Nazi plan was published by Heinz Hohne in his 1966 book, The Story of the Nazi SS: The Order of the Death's Head."

"People say, 'It won't work.' But it will work if the several million covert Soviet troops which are ALREADY HERE can get the guns. The name of the game is to blackball the people to get the guns...make the militia look bad, make guns look bad, make everybody give up their guns. Once they get your gun, they've got you, UNLESS you've got the angel of the Lord at your door. If you've got the Angel of the Lord out there protecting you, it's another story."

To view a map and explanation of which foreign troops will patrol specific areas in the United States once martial law is declared click this link from The Cutting Edge World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government, 1952. You will have to scroll down the page a bit to see the map. As this link title suggests the Illuminti planned this in 1952.

Again from Al Cuppett:

"The ones doing all of this are operating out of the highest places in the Federal Government. They're cooperating with 'spirit guides and mediums' and using astrology and numerology. The spirit guides are telling them what to do, and the entire thing is being orchestrated at the highest spiritual levels of Illuminism, Satanism and the occult Skull and Bones. Every base has been covered. They've thought of everything. (Note-EXCEPT the Eternal GOD factor!-PS) If you notice, they often do things on the 13th of the month."

"Who will be doing the actual picking up? Foreign cops(United Nations Internal Security Forces). Over 30 foreign military bases under the United Nations flag are already set up in the US., all with the approval of special appointees in high Federal positions. These bases are already manned with over TWO MILLION troops from Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Great Britain, Nicaragua, and Asian countries. Why are they here (and in Canada and Mexico as well)? Because unlike our own troops (many of which along with the Guard and Reserve of 24 states are being deployed overseas) they will have no qualms about firing on U.S. citizens when the time comes. There are more than 2,000 Russian tanks, military trucks and chemical warfare vehicles just outside Gulfport, Mississippi. They began arriving in January of 1994. There are 180 foreign troops at Fort Reilly which was confirmed to me by a Brigadier General. There are 300 who came into the Birmingham, Alabama airport on a big white Russian cargo plane on December 13, 1995. As of 1995, there were 10,000 plus foreign troops at Fort Chafee, Arkansas reportedly making preparations for 20,000 'detainees.' This is going on all over the country.
German troops are known to be at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, Fort Bliss, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, Dulles Airport, and Fort Hood, Texas. Chinese troops are known to be at the Long Beach Naval Station in California. There's not going to be some future event when the invading troops are going to show up. They're already here! When martial law is implemented, these foreign U.N. troops will be policing our country, carrying out the plans of the New World Order."

Excerpt from a radio report with AL CUPPETT

From The Cutting Edge we read:

Does the Illuminati have its enemies' list? You bet they do, and they have tens of millions of people on it. The highest priority is the "Red List", on which all Christians are placed who care enough about Jesus to claim church giving and tithes on income tax forms, to become a member of a Fundamental Church, and who has ever taken a subscription to a magazine deemed "offensive". New Age author William Cooper in "Behold A Pale Horse" states that this list is a very finely drawn list and is updated all the time. Since the IRS has been keeping track of people who claim church giving at any point in their life, it is safe to assume just about every Christian in America in on their list.

Now let us re-examine the warning General Tommy Franks issued in November of 2003 as reported at NewsMax.com concerning the effects of another terrorist attack in the U.S.(2)

"Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government ... Franks said that "the worst thing that could happen" is if terrorists acquire and then use a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon that inflicts heavy casualties. If that happens, Franks said, '... the Western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy'."

"At least we have been warned. How many citizens do you think are really listening? You have to give General Franks credit on one point, though. He did not hold out the phony hope that we would get our Constitutional form of government back once the "enemies of freedom" have been vanquished!"(Emphasis mine)

"For we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties......It is not worth while to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties....."(3)


My friend, after reading the information I have presented here you may fear the future with good reason. But you must realize that this is all part of God's plan presented for us in the Old and New Testaments of the bible and that what we are viewing in our lifetime is the outworking of that plan on a global scale. It proves that Satan is real and actively pursuing his ages old dream of usurping God's power on earth. Eventually he will indwell a person called the Antichrist who will try to force obedience on pain of death.

I have attempted to inform and point you to God's eternal plan so that you may be prepared for what is coming. I dedicate this website to my Lord, Jesus Christ. If you do not know Him, then read the following passages of scripture. He will be there for you when you need Him: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:8-10, and verse 13, Romans 12:1-2, John 3:16-18.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13 NIV.

"Behold I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." Revelation 22:7 NIV.


This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes. ourfutureworld.blogspot.com


(1)Willie Martin, The Coming American Holocaust, radio broadcast interview with Al Cuppet (http://www.americanholocaust.50megs.com/FEMA_Red_Blue.htm)Link removed.
(2)Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack, John O. Edwards, NewsMax.com, Friday, Nov. 21, 2003.
(3))Protocols Of The Meetings Of The Learned Elders of Zion. Protocol No.11, M.W. Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, (Flagstaff, AZ: Light Technology Publishing,1991), 297.

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