Sunday, December 11, 2005
My greatest wealth is not physical or material; it cannot be touched, it is not seen, it knows no bounds but exists in the deep stillness and peace which comes from knowing God in which I strive and grow and exist; what the world cannot take from me with fire or sword; that still, small voice of the creator of the universe who beckons me onward to win the race that he has given me to fulfill.-- Steve Sieg
"Fear God"- instead of the many things which you fear. Do not fear the coming day, do not fear other people, do not fear power and might, even if they are able to deprive you of property and life; do not fear the great ones of this world, do not fear sin. All this will be the death of you. You are free from all this fear; it isn't there for you. But fear God and God alone, for God has power over the powers of this world; the whole world must fear God - God has power to give us life or destroy us, everything else is a game - only God is in earnest. Fear God's earnestness - and give God the glory. God demands it as the creator of the world, [and] as our creator God demands it as the reconciler, who made peace between God and humankind in Christ; God demands it as the Savior, who will liberate us in the end from all sin and burden. Give glory to God in the holy gospel- "for the hour of God's judgement is come."
"Learning to Die", Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Pastor executed by the Nazis on April 9, 1945 because of his outspoken stand for the truth.
The truth will set you free.
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