
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Rainwater Prophecy :
Richard Rainwater doesn't want to sound like a kook. But he's about as worried as a happily married guy with more than $2 billion and a home in Pebble Beach can get. Americans are "in the kind of trouble
people shouldn't find themselves in," he says. He's just wary about being the one to sound the alarm.

Rainwater is something of a behind-the-scenes type—at least as far as alpha-male billionaires go. He counts President Bush as a personal friend but dislikes politics, and frankly, when he gets worked up, he says some pretty far-out things that could easily be taken out of context. Such as: An economic tsunami is about to hit the global economy as the world runs out of oil. Or a coalition of communist and Islamic states may decide to stop selling their precious crude to Americans any day now. Or food shortages may soon hit the U.S.

In the 1940s and 1950s, a Shell geologist named M. King Hubbert observed that the production from any given oil field follows a bell curve, with annual volumes increasing until half the oil in the field is depleted, and declining thereafter. Basically, the bottom oil is harder to extract. King reasoned that production from all U.S. fields would follow a similar curve and predicted in 1956 that total U.S.
oil production would peak in the early 1970s. His analysis caused a furor and was widely disparaged, but proved correct. "Hubbert's Peak" entered the lexicon of oil analysis—one of the great geological I- told-you-so's. Forty-nine years later, a growing number of noted geologists and industry analysts suggest that the global oil supply may now be topping out, a claim that has been met by skepticism from yet other geologists and economists who say higher prices will spawn both more discovery and improved recovery from existing fields.

What concerns him [Rainwater] most is the conflict that he thinks an oil shortage will precipitate. What happens when people get blindsided by prices rocketing past any level they have contemplated—especially when you factor in other challenges America faces? "We've got a lot of things going on simultaneously," he says. "The world as we know it is unwinding with respect to Social Security, pensions, Medicare. We're going to have dramatically increased taxes in the U.S. I believe we're going into a world where there's going to be more hostility. More people are going to be asking, 'Why did God do this to us?' Whatever God they worship. Alfred Sloan said it a long time ago at General Motors, that we're giving these things during good times. What happens in bad times? We're going to have to take them back, and then everybody will riot.' And he's right." (Emphasis mine)

Are we on the cusp of the "good life" as we know it with only economic hardship ahead? This billionaire seems to think so.


Saturday, December 24, 2005


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


This article says it all. It explains why the NSA spy revelation was released at this time by the New York Times even though the NSA has been spying on Americans for at least 10 years through Echelon.

Here is another article on Echelon showing the white radar domes (radomes) at Menwith Hill, England.

On another note the Neo-cons are stirring the pot in Turkey warning Ankara to be ready for a possible US air operation against Iran and Syria.


Thursday, December 15, 2005


From Eric Jewell at rense.com:
In "The Deadly Deception", by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree Mason ( Masons are believed by many to be associated with the Illuminati, and to be the driving force behind the NWO) p. 104-105, Shaw relates how [Billy] Graham was present at his ceremony initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to attend these ceremonies. Huffington house refused to publish this book until after Grahams' name was removed, and in place a simple reference to "a well known evangelist" was supplemented. Robert Schuller (Crystal Cathedral/Self-help pulpit guru), Norman Vincent Peale (Positive Thinking apostle), and Oral Roberts (Godfather of the "seed-faith" doctrines in contemporary fundamentalist-charismatic Christianity) are all admittedly 33rd degree Masons. The rites of the Masonic order, the writings of Albert Pike and the requisites for Masonic initiates are distinctly and undeniably counter to Christian doctrine and faith.

He [Graham] is a supporter of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches, where a belief in Jesus Christ is a nonessential. He has been quoted in an interview with Robert Schuller that there are 'many paths to God' and he 'respects them all.' Of course, as was mentioned in the previous article, he participated in prayer offered up to the god of Mohammed (Allah). At that gathering were many Jews, Muslims, Christians and many other faiths gathered together praying to the god of Islam as the God of Abraham -- a distinct moment of "unification".

Is Billy Graham working toward the goal of a New World Order? Is it merely a matter of decades of compromise with the world, or something more strategic? I wrote to the Billy Graham Evangelical Ministries, to ask what moved him to participate in a prayer to the god of Mohammed, and to date have received no answer.

I urge you to read the complete article by Eric Jewell(link) which I have quoted from as well as Part I which dealt generally with the relationship between this nations' leading evangelicals such as Tim Lahaye, Paul Crouch, Bill Bright, Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Jerry Fallwell, James Robison to name a few, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and the U.S. Intelligence community.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits" Matthew 7:16 KJV.


This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes. ourfutureworld.blogspot.com

Sunday, December 11, 2005


My greatest wealth is not physical or material; it cannot be touched, it is not seen, it knows no bounds but exists in the deep stillness and peace which comes from knowing God in which I strive and grow and exist; what the world cannot take from me with fire or sword; that still, small voice of the creator of the universe who beckons me onward to win the race that he has given me to fulfill.-- Steve Sieg

Reverent Fear

"Fear God"- instead of the many things which you fear. Do not fear the coming day, do not fear other people, do not fear power and might, even if they are able to deprive you of property and life; do not fear the great ones of this world, do not fear sin. All this will be the death of you. You are free from all this fear; it isn't there for you. But fear God and God alone, for God has power over the powers of this world; the whole world must fear God - God has power to give us life or destroy us, everything else is a game - only God is in earnest. Fear God's earnestness - and give God the glory. God demands it as the creator of the world, [and] as our creator God demands it as the reconciler, who made peace between God and humankind in Christ; God demands it as the Savior, who will liberate us in the end from all sin and burden. Give glory to God in the holy gospel- "for the hour of God's judgement is come."

"Learning to Die", Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Pastor executed by the Nazis on April 9, 1945 because of his outspoken stand for the truth.

The truth will set you free.


This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes. ourfutureworld.blogspot.com

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