
Sunday, September 18, 2005


Retired Lt. Col. and Green Beret Dan Marvin, has written a book titled Expendable Elite, exposing the dark side of the American military and how he was used as a hired-gun, being asked to assassinate government and military leaders both here and abroad.

He was solicited by the CIA to kill a military officer who knew too much about the Kennedy assassination. Specifically Lt. Col. William Pitzer, was targeted for assassination because he was planning to go public with numerous original photos of the Kennedy autopsy which would have destroyed the government's story about the shooting. Dan stated: "Later, I heard he was found dead in his office at Bethesda and it was setup as a suicide."

This is why the Warren Commission, setup to investigate the Kennedy assassination, was ordered to seal all non-public records of the commissions findings for fifty years.

From Infowars.com we read:

Kennedy Assassination

Although he (Lt. Col. Marvin, a two-bit teenage gang member in the back alleys of the south side of Chicago) hung out with many criminal types, one by the name of Jimmy Files stuck out more than the others. Files would later play a big part in the Kennedy assassination and also tie in with the hit on Lt. Col. Pitzer Lt. Col. Marvin was asked to perform but never carried-out.

"I knew Jimmy Files on the streets when he was a kid and later when we were both in the 82nd Airborne Division," recalls Lt. Col. Marvin. "Jimmy was the guy on the grassy knoll in Dallas who put a bullet in Kennedy's head. The Mafia was infiltrated by the CIA and the mob hired Jimmy to carry it out. He's still alive, admitted doing it and I still communicate with him. In fact, I emailed him three weeks ago."

"There were four shooters involved in the Kennedy assassination, two were Americans and two were from the Corsica Mafia. The "company' as they like to be called, asked me if I wanted to be a part of the team and if I didn't have a wife and children, I probably would have said yes."

"The Mafia and the CIA together were involved in the Kennedy assassination. I remember looking eye ball to eye ball at one of the Don's of the Mafia and he told me the CIA contacted him for the Kennedy hit. You see, Kennedy wanted to expose things, do things above board and end many of the covert operations. This is why he was killed and in my estimation, he was the last independent thinking President America has ever had."

"Dangerous Dan" as he was known in his earlier days has since found Jesus.
In 1984 after retiring from active duty, he listened to his daughter read from the bible on a cross-country road trip, a trip and bible lesson that changed his life forever.

"That day listening to my daughter changed my whole life. I found Jesus," said Lt. Col. Marvin, adding it gave him the understanding to face up to his past and to correct his mistakes by exposing the dirty side of the military. "I knew that if I spoke-out, they would try to kill me. I knew that because I was an instrument of the government for so long and understood what happened to people who tried to come forward about their killing ways before.

"But after I found Jesus, I no longer feared the government. I no longer feared that somebody just like me would now try to kill me. The only thing I fear now is the Lord. He gave me the strength and courage to write the book, a book I hope sets the record straight by telling the truth to the American people."

Lt. Col. Marvin is blunt about his feelings about President Bush and his cronies, saying he doesn't trust them and doesn't believe a word that comes out of their crooked mouths.

"I am anxious to get out my information because it relates to the oppression in America that is going on right now," he said about his book...

Saying that America is no longer a defender of freedom but an invader of nations, he claims that America is now firmly in the hands of leaders and under the control of people who do not have America's best interests at heart.

"We are not a democracy any longer. I simply do not trust Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney," added Lt. Col. Marvin. "The entire gang of Skull and Bones are involved here and I fear they are trying to destroy our country right before our very eyes. We have no business being in Iraq. We went in there on Bush's lies and his doctored intelligence reports regarding weapons of mass destruction that never existed."

Lt. Col. Marvin referred to "the entire gang of Skull and Bones" quite accurately.

From Alan B. Jones Secrecy or Freedom?(1) we learn:

Members of the secret society refer to it as The Order, though it is more informally referred to as "Skull and Bones" or just simply as "Bones". It's charter, as Chapter 322 of a German secret society, was brought back from Germany in 1832 by a visiting American student, William Huntington Russell (1809-1885), who, with Alphonso Taft as co-founder, established The Order as a Senior year society at Yale University. Fifteen new members were thereafter selected annually from among the resident Juniors, the Yale class of 1833 being the first to graduate a group of American "Bonesmen," which included Messrs. Russell and Taft. About 2500 Yale grads have become members up to the time that Sutton wrote his book (America's Secret Establishment). The Order was incorporated in 1856 under the name The Russell Trust, the first president of which was William H. Russell.

...the aims of The Order may be discovered by examining which societal fields The Order's members chose to enter, a study which Sutton has meticulously pursued. It's aims might also be more quickly inferred by examining the main fields of endeavor of The Order's founders, particularly the Russell family of Middletown, Connecticut.

The Drug Connection

Among Yale's founders (in 1701) was one Rev. Nodiah Russell. Hs descendants have been involved with running Yale ever since. In 1823, Samuel Russell, second cousin to William H. Russell, established Russell and Co., the main function of which was to smuggle Turkish opium into China, with British cooperation. "By the 1930's," Tarpley-Chaitkin write,(in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography) "the Russells had bought out the Perkins syndicate and made Connecticut the primary center of of the U.S opium racket. Massachusetts families(Coolidge, Sturgis, Forbes, and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low) smuggler-millionaires under Russell auspices...... The incestuously intermarried Massachusetts and Connecticut families associated themselves with the British East India Company in the criminal opium traffic into China. These families made increased profits as partners and surrogates of the British during the bloody 1839-42 Opium War...."


The order's real purposes are pursued by its graduates, or Patriarchs, who hold annual meetings on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence river, but without, of course, leaving behind any public record of their proceedings. The society is, after all, a secret society, with rules, rites, and aliases, whose members(such as Bush and Kerry) are sworn to silence, instructed to deny membership, and required even to avoid conversations concerning The Order.

Sutton presents three hypotheses concerning what ails America..... The first reads (p.17) "There exists in the United States today, and has existed since 1833, a secret society comprising members of old-line American families and representatives of financial power." In support, he lists the following family names appearing in the membership lists: Bundy, Davison, Gilman, Harriman, Lord, Payne, Perkins, Phelps, Pillsbury, Rockefeller, Sloane, Stimson, Taft, Wadsworth, Weyerhaeuser, and Whitney. Current members reside predominantly on the Eastern seaboard, and are nearly all WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) descended from 17th century English Puritan immigrants who intermarried with or invited into membership indigenous money moguls whose sons in turn became members.

Sutton examines the professional areas chosen by graduate Bonesmen, and then formulates his second hypothesis (p.25): "The Order has penetrated or been the dominant influence in sufficient policy, research, and opinion making organizations that it determines the basic direction of American Society."

What societal functions or entities would have to be invaded in order to obtain such control? Sutton rattles off such a list (p.31): Education, money, law, politics, economy, history, psychology, philanthropy, medicine, religion, media, and continuity of control.(Special attention is given to Yale itself, having been taken over and now being run essentially as an extension of The Order. He lists on p. 70 some 44 Order Patriarches who have been employed as Yale Professors or other staff members.) Concerning the related matter of the philanthropic foundations, Sutton continues, "They got all the big ones - Carnegie, Ford, Peabody, Slater, Russell Sage and so on... The Order has usually maintained a continuing presence [in such foundations] over decades."

In the field of religion, a key penetration involved the Union Theological Seminary, affiliated with Columbia University. Henry Sloan Coffin (The Order '97) was a professor at the seminary from 1904 to 1926, and then its President up to 1945. Its philosophy was broad enough to include a campus Atheists Club. Coffin's son, Henry Jr. (The Order '49), was, says Sutton (p. 28), "one of the Boston Five indicted on federal conspiracy charges."

Major law firms in New York "are saturated with the Order'" says Sutton. Thus the firm Lord, Day, & Lord, one of whose clients is the New York Times(p.9), was founded by George DeForest Lord (The Order 1954) and his father Daniel Lord, also a graduate of Yale. The firm Simpson, Thacher and Barlettt, presently enjoying the biggest billing on Wall Street (p. 138), and with former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance as a current partner, was founded in 1884 by Thomas Thacher (The Order '71), whose son Thomas, Jr. (The Order '04) worked for Henry Stimson (The Order'88). Thacher's firm represented the U.S. interests of the Soviet State Bank while the Soviets were preparing the first of the Five Year industrial plans. Lastly, the law firm of the ubiquitous Rockefeller family rated a brief by Sutton as one of The Order saturated firms.

In the publishing field, Bonesman include Henry Luce of Time-Life, William Buckley of National Review, and Alfred Cowles of Cowles Communications, among several others whom he lists. He notes also that Harvard's prestigious Nieman Fund, the original director of which was Order member Archibald Mcleash.

Many major industries are linked to The Order, including such as Standard Oil (via Percy Rockefeller, the Paynes and the Pratts), Shell Oil, Socony Vacuum, Dresser Industries, Weyerhaeuser Lumber, and many others. In the finance arena, the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, the major banking entity within the Federal Reserve System, was Pierre Jay (The Order '92), who was elevated from an obscure position as a Vice President of the Manhattan Bank, the bank created over one hundred years earlier by Aeron Burr (p. 278, supra). In the political field, major penetrations have been made by Order members named Taft, Bush, Stimson, Chafee, Lovett, Whitney, Bundy, and more.

The depth of The Orders's societal control is indicated by the breakdown of the occupations undertaken by their membership over the years,which Sutton lists (p. 41) as follows:

Occupation; Percent of Members
Law 18
Education 16
Business 16
Finance 15
Industry 12

Thus over three quarters of the membership has become engaged in these five areas of endeavor, which are the key ones for controlling a society. The "occupation" of politics is undertaken by revolving members into and out of their more formal occupations listed above.

Of great significance is Sutton's third hypothesis. He leads up to it by noting and then asking why it should be that Order members were found on both sides of so many societal conflicts. For example, Bonesmen William Howard Taft and Theodore Marburg founded The League to Enforce the Peace, which as active both in promoting peace and in urging the U.S. to enter World War I. As a second example, W. Averell Harriman, against State Department regulations, helped create Ruskombank, the first Soviet commercial bank, and put Max May, the Vice President of the Harriman-Morgan dominated Guaranty Trust, in charge of its foreign operations; simultaneously, Harriman's brother Roland, plus other Order members E.S. James and Knight Wooley, "were prime financial backers of Hitler." Then there was McGeorge Bundy, National Security Assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, simultaneously supporting the official U.S. pro-NATO policies and also the pro-Marxist policies of anti-NATO organizations such as the Institute for Policy Studies. Another is William S. Coffin, Jr. who served in the CIA while it was (secretly) helping to prosecute the Vietnamese War, but also became a leader of such organizations as Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, which vociferously opposed the war.

The answer to these contradictions is that, from The Order's point of view, there is no contradiction, because their goal is to create the conflict, not just to support one side against the other. Out of the turmoil of conflict, they will then seek to engineer their own outcome, perhaps unrelated to the outcomes desired by either of the two combatants. The methodology has been extensively written about, and has a name that we should all become familiar with: Hegelianism. Sutton describes it succinctly (p. 34):"The dialectical process did not originate with Marx as Marxists claim, but with Ficte and Hegel in the late 18th and early 19th century Germany. In the dialectical process a clash of opposites [thesis and antithesis] brings about a synthesis. For example, a clash of political left and right brings about another political system, a synthesis of the two, neither left nor right. This conflict of opposites is essential to bring about change...

"Furthermore, for Hegel and systems based on Hegel, the State is absolute...An individual does not exist for himself... but only to perform a role in the operation of the State. He finds freedom only in obedience to the State. There was no freedom in Hitler's Germany, there is no freedom for the individual under Marxism, [and] neither will there be in the New World Order. And if it sounds like George Orwell's 1984 - it is."

The examples in our own history begin to emerge from the historical fog. The British....turned to planning the pure Hegelian conflict which was the Civil War, clearly spelled out in the correspondence of George Cabot (p. 185, supra) and in the simultaneous pro-slavery and abolitionist agitation of Caleb Cushing. World War 1 was brought on by escalating a conflict between Germany and Britain, resulting in the destruction of the Hapsburg, Hohenzollern and Romanov dynasties, the establishment of the Bolshevik regime in Russia, and the first attempt at forming a system of world governance. World War 2 was created by building up both Stalin and Hitler as archenemies, out of which has come a Russian military capable of challenging the U.S., a new potential enemy in Communist China, and a much more potent candidate for managing world governance - The United Nations. Both pro-war and anti-war sides were supported during the Vietnamese war, the main outcomes being greatly increased drug traffic in the U.S., the beginning of the purchase of America by foreigners, and the start of the long downward moral and economic spiral in which we are presently caught.

As Sutton takes pains to point out, the right-left or conservative-liberal or Republican-Democrat conflicts are purely Hegelian, the The Order substantially controls all of these societal categories, and always maneuvers the conflicts toward increasing the power of the State. He now puts his third hypothesis into words (p. 7): "The Order uses the Hegelian dialectic process to bring about a society in which the State is absolute, i.e. all powerful."


In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. ---George Orwell (1902-1950)


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End Notes

(1)Alan B. Jones, Secrecy or Freedom?, Declaring War on Political Dissimulation, (Paradise, CA: ABJ Press, 2001)p. 310-320.

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