Saturday, May 28, 2005
What is it?
The National Ignition Facility(NIF) is a program to produce a fusion ignition using multiple targeted lasers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)located in Livermore California sponsored by the U.S. government, academia, and a multitude of industrial partners including Sandia National Labs, Los Alamos National Labs, The University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics, General Atomics, and the Naval Research Laboratory.(1)
It consists of 192 targeted laser beams located inside a very large facility the size of a football stadium.
Each laser beam will be targeted simultaneously on a bb (pencil eraser) sized hydrogen fuel pellet compressing the fuel pellet to one-thirtieth of it's size producing unimaginable heat- estimated at 180 million degrees. According to an article titled "Laser Could Rival Energy From Sun's Center."(2)
Just the kind of comment that would be expected from a group representing the powers that control this countries future.
What is the JASON Group? Who do they represent? Notice the the above article does not fully explain who they are or their agenda. But since they are the establishment elite why should we expect their controlled news media to tell us.
From M.W.Cooper we learn the real truth about this group and it's affiliates:
The JASON Group is sponsored by the JASON Society.
Here the connections get very interesting. Again from Cooper:
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) had it's origins at the Paris Peace Conference when several leading members of the peace conference delegations met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 19, 1919 to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs.(6)(emphasis mine)
This sounds innocent enough, but let us pursue this thread further.
"It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of International affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council On Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British government."(7)
Other subsidiary organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg called the Centre d'Etudes de Politicque Etrangere, and Institut fur Auswartige Politik respectively.(8)
From Gary Kah's landmark book Enroute To Global Occupation we learn:
What do you notice about this list? They were all international bankers and most of these individuals were extremely wealthy.
From Kah's book:
What do you notice about this list of past directors? They are high level government officials and/ or members of very wealthy banking families.
The CFR has approximately 2800 members although the Executive Committee previously referred to is made up of a much smaller number. The CFR as of 1992 had thirty eight affiliated organizations, known as Committees on Foreign Relations, located in major cities throughout the United States.(12)
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former CFR member, for sixteen years warned the American people of the organizations intentions. The most powerful clique in these elitest groups have one objective in common-- they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and independence of the United States.(13)
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI headquarters staff in Washington and one of the first researchers into the CFR , summarized the organizations purpose as follows: "The ultimate aim of the Council on Foreign create a one-world socialist system(emphasis mine) and make the United States an official part of it.(14) This of course would all be done in the name of democracy.(Emphasis mine).
Congressman John R. Rarick warned:
On 17 February 1950 CFR member James Warburg, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated, "We shall have world government whether or not you like it-- by conquest or consent."(16)(Emphasis mine). Just as the Apostle John predicted!
Why does the news media ignore the goals of the CFR for a one-world socialist dictatorship?
Perhaps it is because all the major news networks are dominated by Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) and Trilateral Commission(TC) members. A brief list will suffice to show you their influence.
As has been said before this an example of psychological warfare. Most Americans do not realize that the war for control of our minds shaped by what we hear from the biased news media is the front line in the battle to make our nation "become a servile member state of a one world dictatorship."
On the 15th of September 1987 Senator Jessie Helms launched into a detailed description of these matters before the Senate in an urgent appeal to his colleagues. Here is an excerpt from that speech:
To achieve their goal, control(second article on web page) is the key.
"For God has put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out his purposes. They will agree to give their authority to the scarlet beast, and so the words of God will be fulfilled."(19)
"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please."(20)
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political
(2)H. Josef Hebert, Laser Could Rival Energy From Sun's Center, Associated Press Writer, May 21, 2005 (
(3)M.W.Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, (Flagstaff, Arizona: Light Technology Publishing) 1991, 83-84.
(5)Ibid., 81.
(6)Gary Kah, Enroute To Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers) 1992, 30.
(7)Eustace Mullins, The New World Order, (Staunton VA: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1985), 33-34 in Kah 30.
(9)Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand,(Tucson: Publius Press, 1985) 196-197 in Kah 30-31.
(10)Council on Foreign Relations, 1990 Annual Report, New York, 185-186 in Kah 31.
(11)Rene A. Wormser, Foundations-Their Power and Influence, (New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1958), 209 in Kah 32.
(12)CFR 1990 Annual Report 4, in Kah 32.
(13)William E. Dunham, "Correction Please!", The Review of the News, (9 April 1980) 37-38 in Kah 32.
(14)Phoebe Courtney, The CFR, Part II, (Littleton, CO: The Independent American, 1975), 4 in Kah 32.
(15)Archibald E. Roberts, Emerging Struggle For State Sovereignty, (Fort Collins: Betsy Ross Press, 1979) 203 in Kah 32-33.
(16)Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976), 77 in Kah 33.
(17) Kah 56.
(18)Congressional Record-Senate, 15 December 1987, S18146, in Kah 48, 49.
(19)Revelation 17:17,Holy Bible, Compact Edition, New Living Translation, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996, 2004) 1071.
(20)Isaiah 46:10, The Student Bible, New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: The Zondervan Corporation, 1986) 643.
What is it?
The National Ignition Facility(NIF) is a program to produce a fusion ignition using multiple targeted lasers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)located in Livermore California sponsored by the U.S. government, academia, and a multitude of industrial partners including Sandia National Labs, Los Alamos National Labs, The University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics, General Atomics, and the Naval Research Laboratory.(1)
It consists of 192 targeted laser beams located inside a very large facility the size of a football stadium.
Each laser beam will be targeted simultaneously on a bb (pencil eraser) sized hydrogen fuel pellet compressing the fuel pellet to one-thirtieth of it's size producing unimaginable heat- estimated at 180 million degrees. According to an article titled "Laser Could Rival Energy From Sun's Center."(2)
The trip will take one-thousandth of a second during which the light's energy is amplified many billions of times to create a brief laser pulse 1,000 times the electric generating power of the United States.
The result, the scientists hope, will be a fusing of atoms so that more energy is released than is generated by the laser beams, something scientists call fusion ignition. It is what happens when a hydrogen bomb explodes.
Four of the beams have been tested. When completed in 2008, the National Ignition Facility, or NIF, as the laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories is called, will dwarf many times over any laser to date.
It will provide a platform for many experiments in high-energy and high-density physics, from learning more about the planets and stars to advancing the elusive hunt for fusion energy to generate electric power, Moses says.
The government is investing $3.5 billion, and possibly several billion dollars more, in NIF for another reason: national security.
If NIF achieves fusion ignition, it will for the first time in a laboratory simulate the pressures and heat of a nuclear explosion, allowing nuclear weapons scientists to study the performance and readiness of the country's aging nuclear arsenal without actually detonating a nuclear device.
However Christopher Paine, who has monitored NIF's development for the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environment advocacy group, and has been one of its sharpest critics.
Paine, who in a critique once dubbed NIF "The Unlovable Laser," maintains that NIF should follow the same path. [as the Superconducting Super Collider project which was cancelled in 1993]. He says it isn't needed and poses a nuclear proliferation risk because it might make it easier in decades ahead to develop new nuclear weapons, not just maintain existing ones.
The JASONs, a group of scientists frequently called upon to review complex defense or national security issues, has concluded that NIF "does not represent a significant proliferation risk" and is "fully compatible" with U.S. nonproliferation goals.
Just the kind of comment that would be expected from a group representing the powers that control this countries future.
What is the JASON Group? Who do they represent? Notice the the above article does not fully explain who they are or their agenda. But since they are the establishment elite why should we expect their controlled news media to tell us.
From M.W.Cooper we learn the real truth about this group and it's affiliates:
Founders of the JASON Group (not the same as the JASON Society) include members of the famous Manhattan Project, which brought together almost every leading physicist in the nation to build the atomic bomb during World War II. The group is made up of mostly theoretical physicists and is the most elite gathering of scientific minds in the United States. As of 1987 the membership included four Nobel Prize winners. Today JASON continues to offer scientific help the government cannot find anywhere else. They are probably the only group of scientists in the United States that know the true state of the highest technology.
JASON is shrouded in what appears to be unnecessary secrecy. The group refuses to release it's membership list. None of the members list JASON membership on their official resumes. Working completely behind the scenes, JASON has guided the nation's most important security decisions. These include, but are not limited to Star Wars, submarine warfare, and predictions about the greenhouse effect.
According to the Pentagon, the JASON's hold the highest and most restrictive security clearances in the nation. They are given the protocol rank of rear admiral(two stars) when they visit or travel aboard ships or visit military bases.
The veil of secrecy drawn around the JASON Group has been so tight and so leak-proof since its conception that those who think the government can't keep a secret need to reexamine that position. No leaks have ever occurred from within JASON. JASON is administered by the Mitre Corporation. Government contracts allotted to the Mitre Corporation are in reality allotted to the JASON scientists. This is done so that the name does not ever appear in documents which may come under public scrutiny.(3)
The JASON Group is sponsored by the JASON Society.
Here the connections get very interesting. Again from Cooper:
The Jason Society, or JASON Scholars, takes its name from the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and it is a branch of the Order of the Quest one of the highest degrees in the Illuminati. The golden fleece takes on the the role of truth to JASON members. Jason represents the search for the truth. Therefore the name JASON Society denotes a group of men who are engaged in a search for the truth. The name JASON is spelled with capital letters when used as the name of the JASON Society. Lower-case letters are never used when referring to this secret group.
President Eisenhower had commissioned the JASON Society to examine all of the evidence, facts, lies, and deception and find the truth about the alien question.(4)
The Executive Committee [of the Council on Foreign Relations]is an inner core of intimate associates, members of a secret society called the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society.(5)
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) had it's origins at the Paris Peace Conference when several leading members of the peace conference delegations met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 19, 1919 to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs.(6)(emphasis mine)
This sounds innocent enough, but let us pursue this thread further.
"It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of International affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council On Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British government."(7)
Other subsidiary organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg called the Centre d'Etudes de Politicque Etrangere, and Institut fur Auswartige Politik respectively.(8)
From Gary Kah's landmark book Enroute To Global Occupation we learn:
Baron Edmond de Rothschild of France dominated the Paris Peach Conference, and each of the founders of the Royal Institute ended up being men who met Rothchild's approval. The same was true of the Council on Foreign Relations, which was not officially formed until 29 July, 1921.
Money for the founding of the CFR came from J.P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and John D. Rockefeller, among others.(9) This was the same crowd involved in the forming of the Federal Reserve.
What do you notice about this list? They were all international bankers and most of these individuals were extremely wealthy.
From Kah's book:
Prominent figures who have served as CFR directors since 1921 include...Adlai Stevenson (1958-62), Cyrus Vance(1968-76, 1981-87)Zbigniew Brzezinski(1972-77), ...Paul Volker(1975-79), ...., George H.W. Bush(1977-79), Henry Kissinger(1977-81), David Rockefeller(1949-85), George Shultz(1980-88), Alan Greenspan(1982-88),...Jean J. Kirkpatrick(1985- ), and Richard B. Cheney (1987-89).(10)
What do you notice about this list of past directors? They are high level government officials and/ or members of very wealthy banking families.
The Reece committee found that the CFR was being financed by both the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations and investigated it as well as its sister organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, stating that the CFR "overwhelmingly propagandizes the globalist concept."(11)
The CFR has approximately 2800 members although the Executive Committee previously referred to is made up of a much smaller number. The CFR as of 1992 had thirty eight affiliated organizations, known as Committees on Foreign Relations, located in major cities throughout the United States.(12)
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former CFR member, for sixteen years warned the American people of the organizations intentions. The most powerful clique in these elitest groups have one objective in common-- they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and independence of the United States.(13)
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI headquarters staff in Washington and one of the first researchers into the CFR , summarized the organizations purpose as follows: "The ultimate aim of the Council on Foreign create a one-world socialist system(emphasis mine) and make the United States an official part of it.(14) This of course would all be done in the name of democracy.(Emphasis mine).
Congressman John R. Rarick warned:
The Council on Foreign Relations-dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence, over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education and mass communication media-should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our free-enterprise system.(Emphasis mine).
Yet the Nation's "right-to-know-machinery"-the news media-usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members, and their activities. And I find that few university students and graduates have even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations.(Emphasis mine.)
The CFR is "the establishment." Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the United States from a sovereign Constitutional republic into a servile member state of a one world dictatorship.(15)(Emphasis mine).
On 17 February 1950 CFR member James Warburg, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated, "We shall have world government whether or not you like it-- by conquest or consent."(16)(Emphasis mine). Just as the Apostle John predicted!
Why does the news media ignore the goals of the CFR for a one-world socialist dictatorship?
Perhaps it is because all the major news networks are dominated by Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) and Trilateral Commission(TC) members. A brief list will suffice to show you their influence.
The following is a partial list of past and present members: CBS William Paley (CFR), Dan Rather (CFR), Harry Reasoner (CFR), and Bill Moyers (CFR); from NBC/RCA Tom Brokaw (CFR), John Chancellor (CFR), Marvin Kalb (CFR), and Irving R, Levine (CFR); from ABC David Brinkley (CFR), John Scaly (CFR), and Barbara Walters (CFR); from Cable News Network (CNN) Daniel Schorr (CFR); and from the Public Broadcast Service Robert McNeil (CFR), Jim Lehrer (CFR), and Hodding Carter III (CFR).(17)
As has been said before this an example of psychological warfare. Most Americans do not realize that the war for control of our minds shaped by what we hear from the biased news media is the front line in the battle to make our nation "become a servile member state of a one world dictatorship."
On the 15th of September 1987 Senator Jessie Helms launched into a detailed description of these matters before the Senate in an urgent appeal to his colleagues. Here is an excerpt from that speech:
This campaign against the American people-against traditional American culture and values-is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left. Among this group we find the Department of state, the Department of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational corporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry and the large tax-exempt foundations.
Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as the new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, The Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful, business, financial, academic, and official circles...
The view point of the establishment today is called "globalism". Not so long ago this viewpoint was called the "one-world" view by its critics. The phrase is no longer fashionable among sophisticates; yet, the phrase "one-world" is still apt because nothing has changed in the minds and actions of those promoting policies consistent with its fundamental tenents.
Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything.
In this point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design-with a convergence of the Soviet and American systems as its centerpiece-into being....
It is the road to economic concentration and political slavery.(18)(Emphasis mine).
To achieve their goal, control(second article on web page) is the key.
"For God has put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out his purposes. They will agree to give their authority to the scarlet beast, and so the words of God will be fulfilled."(19)
"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please."(20)
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political
(2)H. Josef Hebert, Laser Could Rival Energy From Sun's Center, Associated Press Writer, May 21, 2005 (
(3)M.W.Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, (Flagstaff, Arizona: Light Technology Publishing) 1991, 83-84.
(5)Ibid., 81.
(6)Gary Kah, Enroute To Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers) 1992, 30.
(7)Eustace Mullins, The New World Order, (Staunton VA: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1985), 33-34 in Kah 30.
(9)Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand,(Tucson: Publius Press, 1985) 196-197 in Kah 30-31.
(10)Council on Foreign Relations, 1990 Annual Report, New York, 185-186 in Kah 31.
(11)Rene A. Wormser, Foundations-Their Power and Influence, (New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1958), 209 in Kah 32.
(12)CFR 1990 Annual Report 4, in Kah 32.
(13)William E. Dunham, "Correction Please!", The Review of the News, (9 April 1980) 37-38 in Kah 32.
(14)Phoebe Courtney, The CFR, Part II, (Littleton, CO: The Independent American, 1975), 4 in Kah 32.
(15)Archibald E. Roberts, Emerging Struggle For State Sovereignty, (Fort Collins: Betsy Ross Press, 1979) 203 in Kah 32-33.
(16)Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976), 77 in Kah 33.
(17) Kah 56.
(18)Congressional Record-Senate, 15 December 1987, S18146, in Kah 48, 49.
(19)Revelation 17:17,Holy Bible, Compact Edition, New Living Translation, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996, 2004) 1071.
(20)Isaiah 46:10, The Student Bible, New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: The Zondervan Corporation, 1986) 643.
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