
Thursday, April 29, 2004


(All quotes from cuttingedge.org current newsletter 4/24/2004 unless otherwise noted; used with permission).

"Since the Illuminati plan is to have the threat of terrorism" (and world war, severe earthquakes, and a staged extraterrestrial landing if needed) "unite the world into a global government, we should not be surprised to hear terrorist threats and actions all throughout the world."

NEWS BRIEF: "Al Qaeda Goes Regional: Basra, Riyadh Bomb Blasts Coordinated with Thwarted Chemical Strike in Amman", DEBKAfile, April 21, 2004."

".. the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." [New Age author, William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", Light Technology Publishing, 1991, p. 27]" (Cooper was a CINCPACFLT Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Member with a Top Secret,Q, Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Clearance).

"This is the essential plan. This week's news simply provided the best example of how the drums of terrorism are being beaten vigorously worldwide, to make citizens feel so threatened they will allow their government to take extraordinary steps in order to 'fight terrorism' " and give up their rights. "In the final analysis, these "extraordinary steps" will extend to the dissolution of democratic forms of government and the establishment of global dictatorship. . . . "

"NEWS BRIEF: "Nightline Sells Martial Law: The Armageddon Plan", Media Criticism, 4/20/2004,


"Will the US be under martial law by June, 2004? That is the impression some are expressing after witnessing a recent episode of Nightline (4/7/2004), with Ted Koppel. On this particular program Koppel is host to former Reagan officials Edwin Meese III and Kenneth M. Duberstein; former Clinton official Sally Katzen, author James Mann, and former Bush official Richard Clarke. The subject matter is named The Armageddon Plan."

"Notice that the guests on this show came from both the Clinton and the Bush Administrations. Both Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative, are equally committed to the plan." That is why it makes no difference whether Bush or Kerry is elected. (They are both members of the same occult based group known as "The Order". (See "What Choice?" by Steve Sieg, March 6, 2004, at The Christian Observer . (thechristianobserver.blogspot.com)

"Further, this plan to dissolve our Constitutional form of government was created many, many years ago -- in the early-1800's." One evidence of this plan is a document called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", which can be found in William Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse" on pages 267 through 332. It is a real eye opener. It was supposedly written by the Jewish Zionist lobby but in fact was wriiten by the Illuminati as a secret document to its members describing the overall final plan to dominate the world through a world government which they control to install their Masonic Christ as the ruler of the new world Order.

More evidence of this plan is revealed in a letter written by Giuseppe Mazzini, the Grand Commander of the Italian Masonic Lodge, to Albert Pike the Grand Commander of the American Scottish Rite Lodge in 1871 (note the date!). This letter revealed the occult plan to involve the world in three world wars. "The Third World War was foreseen (planned) to occur in the Middle East between the Moslems and the Jews. By the end of the Third World War, the battle wearied nations would be ready to accept ANY proposal as long as it promised peace uniting the entire world under the fatal banner of the Luciferian New World Order." (Hope Of The Wicked, The Master Plan To Rule The World, by Ted Flynn, 2000 :MaxKol Communications, p. 72; Excerpted from THE PLAN by Steve Sieg, December 10, 2003, The Christian Observer .

"Now that the 9/11 Commission/Coverup has been safely wrapped for the Bush Regime, the mainstream media is now giving some focus to James Mann’s curiously-timed book (Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet, Viking Press, 2004). Vulcans concerns the efforts of present and past White House officials to establish a set of procedures for the highest-levels of government to follow should a catastrophic attack occur on US soil. (Note that Nightline has dropped the moniker Rise of the Vulcans for the more Regime-friendly The Armageddon Plan. The latter conveys a greater sense of a Regime reacting to a stimulus, not being the source of it.)" [Ibid.; Emphasis was in the original]"

"The segment began with congenial chatter between the past and present government officials. As if he is hosting a dinner party Koppel smoothly has his guests reminisce fondly about past drills performed by high-level government officials to test their emergency preparedness. Koppel then imagines an attack that decimates the US Congress. They break for a timely commercial. After the break Koppel immediately launches into the key part of their script: '…aren't [we] left for at least the foreseeable future with some sort of martial law anyway?' Duberstein agrees with Koppel, adding 'You have to suspend rights'.” (bold lettering mine for emphasis)

This conversation would have been unthinkable before 9/11! As I have quoted on my other website in a recent article titled: "None Dare Call It Conspiracy: What The Government Knew Before 9/11"; War (terrorism at this stage), creates the conditions for rapid change. If you control the war then you can shape the outcome and institute the desired changes much more rapidly.

"This is the plan!"

From the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

"5....... for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away" (through the Patriot Act for example?) "as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace" (Al Qaeda?) "and tamed all parties .....

6. It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....."

"Nightline's very efficient use of Richard Clarke to prepare elite viewers for martial law is leading other observers on the Net to reluctantly conclude the merciless Bush Regime is actively planning the catalyst for their own Armageddon Plan. In a different world perhaps, the journalist leading a nationally-televised discussion about the prospects of the US government under martial law would look Clarke in the eye and ask him if the Bush Regime isn't planning to set off some nukes shortly in some city close to Washington DC (e.g., Baltimore). [Op. Cit., Media Criticism]"

"New Age author William Cooper warned in 1992 that New York City was to be destroyed by a nuclear device." (In fact Michael Drosnin's book Bible Code II, states that a missile attack would occur in New York City or Jerusalem in the year 2004, this year!). "However, this destruction is planned to fit into a very tight timetable of other events designed to produce Antichrist on the world scene." According to Cooper:

" Of course, a very short but very deadly global war using nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations was contemplated and to tell you the truth, was not ruled out (bold lettering mine for emphasis)... can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear" (the rapture?), "the Messiah" (Antichrist) presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time?" ["Behold A Pale Horse", by William Cooper, p. 167, 177]."

"According to Cooper: "all these planned disasters have one goal in mind -- produce Antichrist! Keep this fact firmly fixed in your mind. Isreal is apparently the key." Once the war begins in Israel, "you will know the rest of the planned scenario is close behind. Further, several former Satanists have told me that the planned World War III -- which includes these planned terrorist attacks -- will last exactly 13 weeks, or 91 days." (Bold lettering mine for emphasis)

"The World War III scenario to produce Antichrist will consist of the following elements:

1. Israel goes to all-out war with her immediate Arab neighbors - entire Middle East region is ignited into war.
2. North Korea invades South Korea, producing a nuclear confrontation which will threaten the very existence of mankind.
3. China invades Taiwan.
4. Planned terrorist attacks which will begin shortly after Israel goes to war. Economic collapse is a natural planned result."

"Before we examine another terrorism story, let us re-examine the warning General Tommy Franks issued through NewsMax last November concerning the effects of another terrorist attack.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack", John O. Edwards, NewsMax.com, Friday, Nov. 21, 2003"

"Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government ... Franks said that “the worst thing that could happen” is if terrorists acquire and then use a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon that inflicts heavy casualties. If that happens, Franks said, '... the Western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we’ve seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy'.”

"At least we have been warned. How many citizens do you think are really listening? You have to give General Franks credit on one point, though. He did not hold out the phony hope that we would get our Constitutional form of government back once the "enemies of freedom" have been vanquished!"

"IV. The House of Representatives leaped into this process of raising people's consciousness of terrorism in a most unique manner.

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S. House Approves 9/11-Inspired Doomsday Bill", By Thomas Ferraro, Wired News, April 22, 2004"

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives mulled its own possible demise on Thursday as it approved doomsday legislation to speed its replacement in case of a widespread loss of lawmakers. (Bold lettering mine for emphasis) Passed on a 306-97 vote, the measure would require special elections within 45 days if more than 100 of the 435 House members were ever wiped out. Such mass casualties would hamper the chamber's ability to conduct business ... One of four airliners hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001, in an attack on the United States is suspected to possibly have had the Capitol in its cross-hairs until passengers tangled with their captors, sending the aircraft into a Pennsylvania field."

"While the bill won broad support, Baird and several other members, mostly Democrats, complained it was inadequate and would leave the House for too long with too many empty seats. Many favored some sort of a constitutional amendment that would allow seats to be more quickly filled, possibly by the appointment of successors by governors or state legislatures. Baird has proposed an amendment that would allow members to name potential successors ... The House-passed bill goes now for consideration in the Senate, where a constitutional amendment approach has been proposed but not voted on."

"This measure will probably go nowhere, because it does not represent the firm plan to dissolve Congress and the Supreme Court at the earliest opportunity after the next terrorist hit. But, this story works wonders in raising consciousness in people's minds that terrorism is a threat that is only increasing exponentially."

In conclusion, former war general, Tommy Franks is talking about our constitution being discarded and loss of our freedoms that we have cherished for over 200 years. Our own government officials are now saying that anything is possible! .

A news reporter, Ted Koppel and former government officials have concluded publicly that we are left "with some sort of martial law" in the foreseeable future and that our "rights have to be suspended". Our U.S. House of Representatives is now mulling it's own possible demise and enacting legislation for just such an event.

May God help us!

Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?


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