
Monday, July 10, 2006

(Republished July 10 with added content)

From David J. Meyer July newsletter we learn:

Illegal Aliens and the Mark of the Beast!

It has been more than a month since the last nation-wide protest march by illegal aliens. The problems with illegal aliens, however, have grown continually worse. Recently, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that experts are now saying that this is one of the largest diasporas in modern history. Approximately ten percent of Mexico's population is now living in the United States, not including the many illegal aliens from Central America. Fifteen percent of Mexico's entire labor force now works in the United States. One of every seven Mexican workers migrates to the United States. (11) It has been said that the illegal aliens from Mexico have been a boost to the U.S. economy but the opposite is true. You will notice the illegal workers in droves at the post offices buying money orders and sending vast amounts of money out of our country. A vast river of migra-dollars continually flows out of the United States and into Mexico. According to Arturo Valenzuela, director of the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University, the money Mexican migrants send home almost equals the U.S. foreign aid budget for the entire world. (12)

It is a fact that illegal entry into this country has traditionally been a serious crime. The White House and Bush Administration has now equated that offense with receiving a speeding ticket. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said, "If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you're not forever a speeder, are you?" (13) Tony Snow, an illuminist CFR member, is equating a felony to a traffic violation! Furthermore, on the eighteenth day of May, 2006, the United States' Senate voted to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment - even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents. (14) The vote was 50 to 49. Senator Jim DeMint, a South Carolina Republican said, "It makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants for criminal behavior while our Social Security system is already in crisis." (15) We know that this is all part of the Illuminati blueprint to force the economic merger of the United States and Mexico. This is another major step toward one world government. It happened in Europe with the Euro, so watch for a new currency called the Amero, which will be common currency for the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The economists are already working on it, but our economy must first absorb the weak Mexican peso!

We are now beginning to understand another reason why all of this is happening, and why our government intentionally allowed so many millions of illegal immigrants to come into our country. On May 25th, 2006, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for a plan that would establish a DNA database to track and verify all legal U.S. workers. (16) On June 1st, 2006, Scott Silverman, CEO of the VeriChip Corporation announced that he is working with the Bush Administration to implant RFID tracking chips in the flesh of all illegal aliens who will be given "guest worker status." (17) VeriChip is also reportedly working with the Pentagon to implant chips in all military personnel. It is all moving so fast now!


Dear friend do you know why this is happening? Why our sovereignty is being slowly but inexorably destroyed? Why politicians pander to illegal immigrants (voting them free social security benefits etc)? There is a plan which is being implemented from the top down by government leaders who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, etc. This is being implemented without public input, at taxpayer expense. It will result in the loss of personal freedoms that we currently enjoy as citizens of the United States. Canada, the United States and Mexico will be merged economically with a common currency (Amero) and politically ("North American Parliamentary Group") with a common continental security perimeter patterned on the model of the European Union. This North American Union ("kingdom" in the Club of Rome document published in 1973 titled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System) is one region of an eventual 10 region(kingdom) world federation which will form at the end of the age. You can find a description of this end time world federation in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Specifically Daniel 7:23-25 and Revelation 17:12-13 and other passages.

Then as John Lennon made famous, their earthly utopia created by man will be complete:

Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people. Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too. Imagine all the people. Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will be as one.

Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people. Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.

To learn more about this topic see PATTERNS

Do you know your eternal destiny? Isn't it about time you did?

I urge you to consult the following passages of scripture to know where you stand: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8. Romans 10: 8-10, and verse 13, Romans 12:1-2. John 3:16.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13. NIV

"Behold I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." Revelation 22:7 NIV


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