Thursday, April 28, 2005
In the year 1139 an Irish Bishop by the name of Malachy went to Rome to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to Pope Innocent II.(1)
While in Rome in 1139, he supposedly received a strange vision of the future wherein was revealed a long list of pontiffs who were to rule the Roman Catholic Church until the end of time.(2)
"According to his biographer, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, in his book Life of Saint Malachy, the saint was known to have the gift of prophesy and had even predicted the exact day and hour of his own death. Saint Malachy was cannonized in 1190 by Pope Clement III."(3)
This list included 112 names of future popes beginning with Pope Celestine II whose papacy began in 1143 A.D.(4)
The list was given to Pope Innocent II who was said to have deposited it in the Vatican Archives where it lay forgotten and undiscovered until 1590 when it was published.(5)
Malachy wrote a few words in Latin to describe each of the future popes.
For the 110th pope on Malachy's list of 112, he wrote the following Latin phrase: "De Labore Solis" which translated means "Of the Solar Eclipse" or, "From the Toil of the Sun".(6) The corresponding pope was Pope John Paul II (1978-2005).
"In an eerie coincidence, Pope John Paul II was the only pope known to be born on the day of a solar eclipse. There was a near total eclipse of the sun seen across Europe on May 18th, 1920; the very day that John Paul II was born in Europe. Like the sun, he came out of the East (Poland). Like the sun," he was known for traveling "all around the globe much more than any previous pope."(7)
Astronomers said that on Friday, April 23 the day of the Pope John Paul II's funeral, there would be a partial solar eclipse.(8)
According to Saint Malachy's prophetic list only two popes remain.
"It is the hope of Romanist leaders that the next pope will not reign as long, perhaps being an older pope. According to Malachy, the 267th pope is called 'Gloria Olivae,' or 'glory of the olive'. Traditionally, the olive branch has been associated with peace, but in both the Old and New Testaments, it also serves as an emblem for the Jews. Putting the two together, some commentators believe that the reign of this pope will be dedicated to peace."(9)
Interestingly, writing before the news that Cardial Ratzinger had been selected as the next pope Dr. H. T. Spence details the connection between Malachy's prophecy for this pope and why many predicted this pope would call himself 'Benedict XVI'. Dr. H. T. Spence is the president of Foundations Bible College and wrote The Death of a Pope in March/April 2005."(10)
"However, some believe that Malachy's description may instead refer to St. Benedict's sixth-century prophecy that a member of his order will lead the Church in its fight against evil just before the Apocalypse. The Benedictine Order is known by another name, Olivetans. Those mystic observers in Rome believe if this is true, the next pope will go by the name of Pope Benedict XVI, in imitation of Saint Benedict and Pope Benedict XV. Benedict XV was a pope obsessed with peace: he sought peace and spoke of peace and wrote documents seeking peace."(11)
According to Malachy the last (268th) pope will be known as "Petrus Romanus" (Peter the Roman). The prophecy states "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people."(12)(Rome will be destroyed).
Malachy places this pope as the last one and the end of the church. According to Roman speculations within the Vatican, either the 267th or 268th pope has been viewed as the defecting pope: defecting from the church and its doctrines, an antichrist pope. These are merely the speculations by Malachy and those in the Romanist church who follow his predictions.(13)Dr. Spence concludes:
Sentiment is ever growing for Rome and its Pope. But as it has been believed since the Protestant Reformation (and even before), the system of Rome is the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17; she also is the whore who will ride the back of the beast. It is estimated that over the centuries she has put to death some sixty-eight million individuals, drinking abundantly and made drunk with the blood of the saints:Why does Dr. Spence believe that the papal system represents the antichrist system?
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. (Revelation 17:6)
May God help us in these days to see the papal system truly as an antichrist system. Whether we view the prefix "anti" in the Greek interpreted as "in the stead of" (or substitute), or "against," the pope concept falls under both categories. He places himself as the substitute of Christ, and he is against the true Christ.(14)
For starters it is not biblical but represents the rise of Romanism in history.
Dr. Spence writes as an example:
Another influence for changes taking place was the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the Goths, the Vandals, and the Huns. Their paganism and philosophy were assimilated into public Christianity and became part of the warp and woof of Rome's gospel. This is why one can find similar aspects (i.e. celibate priests, holy buildings, holy days, consecrated water, images, candles, incense, high ritualism) in Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. It was this Christianizing of paganism that gave rise to the worship of Mary. Such worship of "Madonna and child" goes back deep into paganism with the worship of Isis and her child Horus, often pictured sitting on her lap. Like Mary, Isis was called "the Great Virgin," and "the mother of God."(15)
This article may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission of this author...ed.
(1)Dr. H. T. Spence, The Death of a Pope, as quoted in Eerie Prophecies Predicted Benedict XVI,, April 16, 2005 (
(3)Carl Limbacher and staff, Saint's Prophecy: Only Two Popes Remain, April 3, 2005 (
(7)Carl Limbacher and staff, Prophecy on Pope Fulfilled by Eclipses?", April 6, 2005 (
(9)Dr. H. T. Spence, The Death of a Pope, March/April 2005, Straightway, The Malachy Prophecies.
(12)Carl Limbacher and staff, Saint's Prophecy: Only Two Popes Remain, April 3, 2005 (
(13)Dr. H. T. Spence, The Death of a Pope, March/April 2005, Straightway, The Malachy Prophecies.
(15)Ibid. Subsection: The Rise of Romanism in History.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Some of you may soon be receiving the following message in your local community newsletter or local bulletin boards. I did. You may be next.
Here is the message:
"Some (township or community name) Residents may be receiving a Short Form Survey from the Census Bureau as part of the American Community Survey (ACS) it is currently conducting. Each month, a sample of different households will receive the Survey and are required to respond."
"The Census Bureau is recruiting permanent part-time workers to conduct interviews with households that do not complete the forms.. Interested persons can call the Bureau at 1-800-XXX-XXXX, Ext.#X." (The telephone number will depend upon which Census Bureau regional office is closest to your community.)
To see what kinds of personal information the Census Bureau will collect from you for their Public Use Microdata-Pums Files just click the link. It is very intrusive.
Do you feel comfortable that the government knows what time you leave for work, how long it takes you to get to work, where you work, your work status with your employer, which weeks of the year you work, and how many people ride with you each day of the week?
Now think about this.
You Can Run, but You Can't Hide
The morning alarm sounds with tinny urgency. Another early morning meeting today. Stifling a yawn, you touch the display of your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to silence the alarm, and begin your morning routine. Fortunately, you have a PDA to remind you of things. Unfortunately, you have me as an adversary.
I know when you will be waking for the next three months, because you save your PDA data to your computer, and your computer is my best friend. Over morning coffee, you casually flip through the news channels on AT&T Digital Cable, settling on a story about commodities futures. I know down to the second how long you spend on each channel. You linger on one commercial longer than the others and that information is now available to marketers---or me.
Walking out to your car, you use the alarm remote to unlock you car. I compare the radio signal, a simple digital pattern, and now I have 24-hour access to your vehicle. After sitting in the driver's seat, you reach into your tote and turn on your cellular phone. As you pull out onto the street, I see your phone negotiating with each PCS cellular tower. I know the position of your phone within 10 feet at all times as long as it is turned on. If only you left it on all the time, like so many of my "clients."
You finally make it to the bridge after the usual bout of road rage, and are relieved that you have a Smart Tag on your car. It tells me exactly how often you make this trip. You speed through the toll plaza, and I get secondary confirmation of your position. I know that your car and your phone are at the same place. This is definitely YOU in the car, not your spouse.
Having parked in the lot at work, you card-key into the building, show your badge to the guard, and walk to your desk. Today, I will hear every telephone conversation you make, read every e-mail you send, monitor every website you visit. (Echelon reportedly monitors up to two million communications every hour of every day.)(2)
I even know how long you spend in the restroom.
Do you remember Jurassic Park? Imagine yourself an insect forever frozen in amber. That is how I see you. I can view you from any angle. You are totally known by me. Just as the scientists in the movie extracted genetic information from long dead mosquitoes, I extract a fountain of information from you. As you move through your day, you move unknowingly through an ocean of information. Your every action creates digital ripples; patterns of information that tell me more about you than you know about yourself. Who employs you is not important. What is important is that I have compiled a complete profile on you.
The above story is an example of Class I Personal Information Warfare. When you combine the governments ability to collect information about you via census with the means to electronically track your every digital move you have no privacy. You are in a looking glass with the government and every other snoop on the other side of the mirror staring back at you; you never know it or even think about it as you move through your day.
Your vehicle can also be shut down remotely and the vehicle's location determined by radio frequency should law enforcement decide to apprehend you.
From an article titled Zipping Along in Newsweek Magazine, September 8, 2003:
"Last year a zipcar member took off and never brought the car back." (Zipcar is a car rental agency in Boston that rents cars by the hour). "The companies techies remotely disabled the starter and tracked it down via radio frequency." If a car rental agency can do this imagine what the government can do. Of course now that they know what time you leave every morning it makes it that much easier to apprehend you.
Getting back to the Survey:
Not only is the Survey intrusive but it is mandatory per Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and 193. You may be fined up to $100 per question for any question not answered or not answered appropriately on the census survey form. If you don't answer the questions, the census bureau will conduct a telephone interview with you to solicit responses and/or you may receive a knock on the door to obtain the data the census bureau demands.(see the first ACS link).
This thing has teeth. Don't get bitten!
Why isn't the purpose of the survey clearly explained to the public in the major news media such as television and nationally syndicated newspapers? Why is the severe fine schedule not publicized?
Because they don't want to bring attention to the invasion of privacy issues the survey questions raise, or how the data can be misused by criminals breaking into the database to commit identity theft, etc.
The government will always have a plausible reason for the information it desires, but the question is.... where will it end and how much do they really need to know?
Have you ever wondered why the government denied for many months that there was a Patriot Act II being planned and why they had to put the Patriot Act II provisions into several different bills instead of one called Patriot Act II? I think you can guess the answer.
For a discussion of privacy issues including DARPA's Total Information Awareness program (TIA), the airlines former CAPPS II program, now renamed Secure Flight, and comments by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute including the original purpose of the census see Freedom's Twilight.
I leave you with these quotes:
"Finally there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron-- for iron breaks and smashes everything-- and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all others." Daniel 2:40 NIV.
"After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts and it had ten horns." Daniel 7:7 NIV.
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes.
End Notes
1. Winn Schwartau, Information Warfare (Thunder's Mouth Press, 1994), p. 258 as quoted in Tedd Flynn, Hope of the Wicked, The Master Plan to Rule the World (MaxKol Communications, Inc., 2000), p. 229-230.
2. THE EDGE WITH PAULA ZAHN, FOX NEWS NETWORK---(Caps in original) October 21, 1999 as quoted at (
Some of you may soon be receiving the following message in your local community newsletter or local bulletin boards. I did. You may be next.
Here is the message:
"Some (township or community name) Residents may be receiving a Short Form Survey from the Census Bureau as part of the American Community Survey (ACS) it is currently conducting. Each month, a sample of different households will receive the Survey and are required to respond."
"The Census Bureau is recruiting permanent part-time workers to conduct interviews with households that do not complete the forms.. Interested persons can call the Bureau at 1-800-XXX-XXXX, Ext.#X." (The telephone number will depend upon which Census Bureau regional office is closest to your community.)
To see what kinds of personal information the Census Bureau will collect from you for their Public Use Microdata-Pums Files just click the link. It is very intrusive.
Do you feel comfortable that the government knows what time you leave for work, how long it takes you to get to work, where you work, your work status with your employer, which weeks of the year you work, and how many people ride with you each day of the week?
Now think about this.
Amber--A Cautionary Tale (1)
The morning alarm sounds with tinny urgency. Another early morning meeting today. Stifling a yawn, you touch the display of your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to silence the alarm, and begin your morning routine. Fortunately, you have a PDA to remind you of things. Unfortunately, you have me as an adversary.
I know when you will be waking for the next three months, because you save your PDA data to your computer, and your computer is my best friend. Over morning coffee, you casually flip through the news channels on AT&T Digital Cable, settling on a story about commodities futures. I know down to the second how long you spend on each channel. You linger on one commercial longer than the others and that information is now available to marketers---or me.
Walking out to your car, you use the alarm remote to unlock you car. I compare the radio signal, a simple digital pattern, and now I have 24-hour access to your vehicle. After sitting in the driver's seat, you reach into your tote and turn on your cellular phone. As you pull out onto the street, I see your phone negotiating with each PCS cellular tower. I know the position of your phone within 10 feet at all times as long as it is turned on. If only you left it on all the time, like so many of my "clients."
You finally make it to the bridge after the usual bout of road rage, and are relieved that you have a Smart Tag on your car. It tells me exactly how often you make this trip. You speed through the toll plaza, and I get secondary confirmation of your position. I know that your car and your phone are at the same place. This is definitely YOU in the car, not your spouse.
Having parked in the lot at work, you card-key into the building, show your badge to the guard, and walk to your desk. Today, I will hear every telephone conversation you make, read every e-mail you send, monitor every website you visit. (Echelon reportedly monitors up to two million communications every hour of every day.)(2)
I even know how long you spend in the restroom.
Do you remember Jurassic Park? Imagine yourself an insect forever frozen in amber. That is how I see you. I can view you from any angle. You are totally known by me. Just as the scientists in the movie extracted genetic information from long dead mosquitoes, I extract a fountain of information from you. As you move through your day, you move unknowingly through an ocean of information. Your every action creates digital ripples; patterns of information that tell me more about you than you know about yourself. Who employs you is not important. What is important is that I have compiled a complete profile on you.
The above story is an example of Class I Personal Information Warfare. When you combine the governments ability to collect information about you via census with the means to electronically track your every digital move you have no privacy. You are in a looking glass with the government and every other snoop on the other side of the mirror staring back at you; you never know it or even think about it as you move through your day.
Your vehicle can also be shut down remotely and the vehicle's location determined by radio frequency should law enforcement decide to apprehend you.
From an article titled Zipping Along in Newsweek Magazine, September 8, 2003:
"Last year a zipcar member took off and never brought the car back." (Zipcar is a car rental agency in Boston that rents cars by the hour). "The companies techies remotely disabled the starter and tracked it down via radio frequency." If a car rental agency can do this imagine what the government can do. Of course now that they know what time you leave every morning it makes it that much easier to apprehend you.
Getting back to the Survey:
Not only is the Survey intrusive but it is mandatory per Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and 193. You may be fined up to $100 per question for any question not answered or not answered appropriately on the census survey form. If you don't answer the questions, the census bureau will conduct a telephone interview with you to solicit responses and/or you may receive a knock on the door to obtain the data the census bureau demands.(see the first ACS link).
This thing has teeth. Don't get bitten!
Why isn't the purpose of the survey clearly explained to the public in the major news media such as television and nationally syndicated newspapers? Why is the severe fine schedule not publicized?
Because they don't want to bring attention to the invasion of privacy issues the survey questions raise, or how the data can be misused by criminals breaking into the database to commit identity theft, etc.
The government will always have a plausible reason for the information it desires, but the question is.... where will it end and how much do they really need to know?
Have you ever wondered why the government denied for many months that there was a Patriot Act II being planned and why they had to put the Patriot Act II provisions into several different bills instead of one called Patriot Act II? I think you can guess the answer.
For a discussion of privacy issues including DARPA's Total Information Awareness program (TIA), the airlines former CAPPS II program, now renamed Secure Flight, and comments by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute including the original purpose of the census see Freedom's Twilight.
I leave you with these quotes:
"Finally there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron-- for iron breaks and smashes everything-- and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all others." Daniel 2:40 NIV.
"After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts and it had ten horns." Daniel 7:7 NIV.
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes.
1. Winn Schwartau, Information Warfare (Thunder's Mouth Press, 1994), p. 258 as quoted in Tedd Flynn, Hope of the Wicked, The Master Plan to Rule the World (MaxKol Communications, Inc., 2000), p. 229-230.
2. THE EDGE WITH PAULA ZAHN, FOX NEWS NETWORK---(Caps in original) October 21, 1999 as quoted at (
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Geologists have now discovered that a major earth plate has broken in two pieces. The Indo-Australian plate, which holds up both Asia and India, is now separated. RaiderNewsUpdate, Feb. 21, 2005, (
"Cause earthquakes in a distant fault zone by depositing energy in the rocks there, increasing the plate stress until slippage occurs at a fault zone." Cutting Edge Ministries ( news/n1776.cfm) discussing the capabilities of electromagnetic weapons.
"Cause large, anomalous rocking of an entire plate or large area, by depositing and extracting energy from alternate areas, causing buckling of the large rock plate." (Ibid.)
".....alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. It's real..." Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. University of Georgia, Athens, April 28, 1997.
"As the earth continues to move, volcanoes continue to erupt. On February 23rd, 2005, the Korovin Volcano near Atka, Alaska, erupted. On March 9th, it was Mt. St Helens in the State of Washington that erupted sending a plume of smoke and ash over 30,000 feet into the air. On the very next day, March 10th, 2005, Mexico’s Volcano of Fire near Colima, began to spew orange lava." Associated Press, Feb. 25, 2005, by Kathleen Nevzoroff, AP, Atka, Alaska as quoted by Last Trumpet Newsletter, April 2005, (
".... the achievable phenomena also include tsunami's, freak waves in the open ocean, and rogue waves of numerous kind and occurrence." Tom Bearden, Cold War Development of Scalar Interferometry, link to wordpad document titled: Tom Bearden's current threat assessment at
"The great end-time sign of 'earthquakes in divers places' continues to be manifested. There are so many earthquakes happening that I cannot report them all, but here are some of the recent ones for this year 2005: February 22nd, Sarbagh, Iran, magnitude 6.4; February 23rd, Tokyo, Japan, magnitude 4.6; February 24th, Indonesia, magnitude 6.0; February 26th, Japan, two quakes, magnitudes 5.4 and 4.4; February 26th, Indonesia, magnitude 5.1; March 5th, two quakes near the North Pole, magnitudes 6.3 and 5.4; March 6th, Quebec, Canada, magnitude 5.4; March 11, Bali Island, Indonesia, magnitude 5.4; March 12th, eastern Turkey, magnitude 5.7; March 13th, New Zealand, magnitude 6.1; March 14th, Indonesia, magnitude 5.4; March 14th, Bombay, India, magnitude 5.1; March 14th, eastern Turkey, magnitude 5.9." Associated Press & AFP News, report sequence noted by date. Last Trumpet Newsletter, April, 2005. ( 2005/April2005.html).
The frequency and magnitude seems to increase every month. Steve
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes.
Geologists have now discovered that a major earth plate has broken in two pieces. The Indo-Australian plate, which holds up both Asia and India, is now separated. RaiderNewsUpdate, Feb. 21, 2005, (
"Cause earthquakes in a distant fault zone by depositing energy in the rocks there, increasing the plate stress until slippage occurs at a fault zone." Cutting Edge Ministries ( news/n1776.cfm) discussing the capabilities of electromagnetic weapons.
"Cause large, anomalous rocking of an entire plate or large area, by depositing and extracting energy from alternate areas, causing buckling of the large rock plate." (Ibid.)
".....alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. It's real..." Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. University of Georgia, Athens, April 28, 1997.
"As the earth continues to move, volcanoes continue to erupt. On February 23rd, 2005, the Korovin Volcano near Atka, Alaska, erupted. On March 9th, it was Mt. St Helens in the State of Washington that erupted sending a plume of smoke and ash over 30,000 feet into the air. On the very next day, March 10th, 2005, Mexico’s Volcano of Fire near Colima, began to spew orange lava." Associated Press, Feb. 25, 2005, by Kathleen Nevzoroff, AP, Atka, Alaska as quoted by Last Trumpet Newsletter, April 2005, (
".... the achievable phenomena also include tsunami's, freak waves in the open ocean, and rogue waves of numerous kind and occurrence." Tom Bearden, Cold War Development of Scalar Interferometry, link to wordpad document titled: Tom Bearden's current threat assessment at
"The great end-time sign of 'earthquakes in divers places' continues to be manifested. There are so many earthquakes happening that I cannot report them all, but here are some of the recent ones for this year 2005: February 22nd, Sarbagh, Iran, magnitude 6.4; February 23rd, Tokyo, Japan, magnitude 4.6; February 24th, Indonesia, magnitude 6.0; February 26th, Japan, two quakes, magnitudes 5.4 and 4.4; February 26th, Indonesia, magnitude 5.1; March 5th, two quakes near the North Pole, magnitudes 6.3 and 5.4; March 6th, Quebec, Canada, magnitude 5.4; March 11, Bali Island, Indonesia, magnitude 5.4; March 12th, eastern Turkey, magnitude 5.7; March 13th, New Zealand, magnitude 6.1; March 14th, Indonesia, magnitude 5.4; March 14th, Bombay, India, magnitude 5.1; March 14th, eastern Turkey, magnitude 5.9." Associated Press & AFP News, report sequence noted by date. Last Trumpet Newsletter, April, 2005. ( 2005/April2005.html).
The frequency and magnitude seems to increase every month. Steve
This article may be reproduced WITHOUT CHANGE and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes.